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Aromabliss is Herbal Medicine disguised as the BEST skin-care you will ever use. It is Amazing because of how it is created. The batches are REALLY small, the QUALITY of all the ingredients is really HIGH. This translates as time & investment. I have, from the beginning of Aromabliss, strived to deliver a stellar AFFORDABLE product, and I stick by that philosophy. We used to wholesale in the past to spread the ‘Aromabliss Love’. This depleted me & I vowed the essence & integrity of Aromabliss would NOT be depleted. I stopped wholesaling basically because truth, health, beauty & consciousness, was not expressing itself articulately. So HERE is the Very Best I can do to while providing YOU with the highest quality of Divine Unctions.
The below rules are precise, unchangeable and immovable. This is to maintain the VERY BEST communication & intention between us. There are no exceptions. PLEASE NO negotiations. THANK YOU.
Shakti Wholesale:
20% off of orders after they exceed (with discount applied) $450.
You must purchase a minimum of 4 of each product you wish to purchase
ALL ORDERS (first to last): MININUM PURCHASE $450 after discount.
YOU are welcome to up-charge the products however you find acceptable to your clientele.
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