Check out this feature in the Free People Building 25 Blog written by our dear friend Brigette!
As a practitioner and teacher of Ayurveda and Yoga, I have made it a part of my personal quest to provide the very best ayurvedic products for my clients. That search ended when I discovered Aromabliss. Women and men from all corners of the country have been using Aromabliss products based on my recommendation to do so and their own experience of transformation and pleasure in using her products for beauty and constitutional balancing. There are no finer ayurvedic oils to be found anywhere. Lilavati's understanding of the ayurvedic process of healing and the importance of daily rituals for self-care are so deep and intimate, you feel it in every one of her exquisitely procured oils and balms. Her oils are the only ones that anoint my body. I am sure you will be pleased with every purchase you make and will, like every one else, by a lifelong devotee to this Goddess's offerings.
Wahneta Trotter
Ayurvedic Practicioner
I would never want to give up my Nasya Oil. How did I live without it. It keeps my nose lubricated every day, particularly in the winter months when the weather is dry and cold in the northeastern part of the United States. As for the body oils, I have been totally spoiled as they give my skin a lovely, silky texture. What is particularly wonderful about these oils is that Lilavati creates them for seasonal use which means my skin receives the right nutrients all year round.
Aili Pogust
I was so excited about my new discovery that I HAD to email you immediately! I’ve been using your aroma bliss & aroma polish since you introduced it with fantastic results. But tonight, I discovered a new use! This morning as I was putting on my summer sandals, I noticed how dry and unattractive my heels were. In disgust I put the sandals away until after I could make a trip to the drug store to buy something. This evening while using my aroma polish & aroma bliss during my bedtime regimen, I thought to for myself, “Why not try the same regimen on my feet?” Well, I followed the very same directions; first using aroma polish and then the aroma bliss. WOW! What a beautiful, refreshing summer treat! my feet are sexy smooth. Thank you, Thank you for your devotion to all natural, infinite-purpose products for blissfully beautiful skin.
Nothing compares to the quality, purity, or energy of Aromabliss' products. Every morning I step out of my shower and lather myself with these precious oils. It is as though I am anointing myself with the nectars of the goddess!
Until I met Lilavati I had no idea about the importance of oils for general health. I use her Aromabliss products at home, but find them especially valuable when I travel. Before I board a plane I use her nasya oil, which keeps my sinuses clear and moist. Her Bliss Balm keeps my skin hydrated and fragrant; and I 'm able to use it on face, lips, and even my hands. Her body oils are truly pure bliss as well. The care she puts into each and every Aromabliss product begins with the beauty of cobalt blue bottles and elegant labels. But the products speak for themselves. Om shanti.
Joy E. Stocke
Founder/Executive Editor Wild River Review
I think the Vamakesi oil is really working – I’ve been using it every night for a few months now, and the past few weeks especially I have noticed a huge difference in my spiritual awareness, my writing, psychic abilities – and also this profound sense of gratitude has settled like a warm blanket over every aspect of my life – so in a similar vein – thank you… thank you.. thank you for everything you have taught me and done for me for the past seven years.
Lilavati lives and breathes her work so genuinely and with such fervor that her meditative practices and beauty products effuse her positive healing energy.
I have been a student of hers for about a year now, and nearly every aspect of my daily life has been enhanced for the better by taking the time to take care of myself with her incredible guidance and oils. I’m really trying to grasp at the words to describe how much of a positive impact she and Aromabliss goods have had on my life….but to list a few, my digestive system has never been happier, my skin glows and craves the nutrient rich oils she creates, and, for lack of a better phrase, “everything seems in its right place.” When you feelthat good in your skin, it’s difficult to not feel that way in every day life. It’s a lifelong practice, I’m beginning to understand, but each day is made better with Lilavati and the beauty regimen I so look forward to giving myself every single day.
Nasya and the Jasmine eye balm were the first two products I introduced to my routine, and it became clear very quickly that they were non-negotiable essentials. Nasya staves off sickness and congestion issues, and the eye balm hydrates the eye skin and, honestly, makes my eyeballs feel like they’re in place in my skull and grounded (that probably sounds bizarre, but anyone who uses the stuff surely knows what I mean).
The Saraswati (oil pulling) oil became another quick introduction in my daily use, and I know that it has been in part the reason my digestive system has been more functional. I use most of her products, now, along with a customized herb supplement, and have never slept better and healed better than these past six months.
Lilavati also prepares amazing cleanse-journeys twice a year, of which I have done three and learned an incredible amount about myself, spiritually. These revelations are not without her guidance and confidence and support. Without Lila, I would surely be way more wayward and less confident in a physical and emotional sense. She truly has brought more positive and powerful substance to my life, and I will forever love her for it.
In the ancient traditions of India, health, beauty, truth are one path. The masters realized and embodied this and then graciously preserved these teachings in the disciplines of Ayurveda, yoga and tantra. This is an unbroken lineage of 7000 years that brings health, luster and vigor to the body and mind, truth and beauty to the whole being. Those who trained in this path underwent an arduous training and this lineage continues today with a few teachers and practitioners who can undergo such rigorous training and authentic transmission adapted to modern needs and demands. Lilavati is one of these few practitioners and brings the timeless wisdom and the unerring beauty of these sciences to you. She has a special gift of embodying the ancient and expressing it with modern precision and skill to each individual. Her formulas and therapies are of the highest grade and she seeks and fulfills an unerring fullness to her work in offering to the perfection of these great sciences.
Parvathi Nanda Nath Saraswati
Aromabliss products are the only ones I use. My blemishes are gone, without any of the redness or dryness I got with other cleansers and scrubs. My skin is brighter, more even in tone, and my pores are more refined. At 50, my skin looks better than it ever did in my life. I offer Aromabliss oils and skin products in the boutique of our yoga center and everyone has been really happy with them. The oils fly off the shelves as soon as a new order comes in.
Owner & manager River Yoga
Juju salon & organics is honored to be able to offer our clients authentic (and local!) ayurvedic products. Aromabliss's Vamakesi oil is nearly impossible to keep stocked! Every client loves it's healing and beautifying elements which truly nourish and revive even the most damaged or thinning hair. Thank you Lilavati! Thank you Aromabliss!
Jujus Organic Salon
Philadelphia, PA
When I try to describe Lilavati, her products and her offerings to someone I can only say you must experience it. Her depth of knowledge is straight from the source, she brings out the Goddess in anyone she encounters and is a master of cultivating Beauty that is infinitely beyond skin deep. Every woman has a beauty secret and Lilavati and her Aromabliss products are definitely mine! Truly a Priceless Gem right here in Philadelphia.
These oils are quite simply phenomenal. They smell so delicious, I'm tempted to eat them! (I won't). Taking the time to apply them to myself, mindfully and nurturingly every day puts me in a different zone altogether; they make me feel loved, like I've just spread a warm hug all over myself. Thank you so, so much for making these. The skill, love and intention that goes into making these magical products really comes through in my experience of them. I will share these with my studio, fellow teachers and students, and anyone who will hear me speak of them.
Mays Landing, NJ
A perfect compliment to the pursuit of Yoga. Aromabliss hygiene essence's and skin care creations have become a staple in our home, supporting and maintaining my family's health with out the use of synthetics and harmful chemicals.These hand made elixirs are practical yet sublime, enlivening spirit both on and off of the mat.
Jen Comptom
Yoga Teacher
I have been using Bliss Balm on my face daily, for the last 6 months. My skin has never looked so young and radiant as it does now. About two weeks ago, my husband and I vacationed in the Dominican Republic, where the sun is merciless. I applied the Bliss Balm under a sun blocker, and my husband used only the sun blocker. Before the vacation was over my husband had a severe case of sun poison on his face. My face looked healthy and radiant. My first thought was for him to apply the Aroma Bliss on his face, which he began. In 2 days his skin had almost completely cleared. It was amazing! Thanks to Bliss Balm.